Sequence Editor

Available to v0.2 and above

Creating blank SongItem

  • Create a blank SongItem from the Create menu

In this example, I will try to create a variant sequence for the same songs.

After creating the SongItem, fill in the bpm and drag in the relative AudioClip

Editing the SongItem

Double-clicking on the SongItem asset or by clicking the Edit notes button, the Sequence Editor will appear.

Similar to step sequencing, by clicking on each beat, it will turn green and a beat will be created.

And if you now play the game using the new SongItem we just created, you will see the note appeared as our sequence in the editor.

Better Beat Editing

To preview and edit the beat faster, you can toggle the Play/Pause using the Space bar shortcut when focused on the Sequence Editor, and by clicking on the scale area, you can jump the play head to specific beat if needed.

Performance Note

Sometimes using the Good Latency in the editor will give you a better audio previewing experience, since there will be Audio overhead for the Unity editor. You can temporarily switch between the DSP Buffer Size to prevent the lagging audio in the editor. While for runtime [Build], it is better to switch back to Best Latency!

Last updated