Development Tips
Personally do not suggest anyone upgrading any old version of RhythmGameStarter in a production project, preferable a clean install since most of the major updates of rgs have scripts & prefabs changes, and rgs is not a plug & play solution.
Dealing with future updates
RhythmGameStarter is a project template, and each update may be causing some required changes to the core script, which if you modified a lot, the new update may not be compatible for your current project to upgrade.
A better workflow will be separating your custom logic into new components instead of editing directly in the core script, and make minimal changes if possible.
Workflow tips
Use git! So it's possible for you to diff manually with core scripts changes
Duplicating the demo scene, instead of editing directly
Setting up a custom song directory outside RhythmGameStarter's folder
Create a prefab variant for the RhythmGameStarter prefab
Use version control! (important) so even if the update was messed up, you can still revert back
Last updated
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